Fall season is the perfect time to refresh your skin and chemical peels are one of the best treatments to rejuvenate your complexion! Chemical peels can scare some people off at first, that’s why we are here to help you understand if the procedure is the best for your skin concerns.

Who can get a chemical peel

The best candidate for chemical peel is someone who is looking to improve their skin’s texture, elasticity, and attenuate imperfections. Commonly, chemical peels are a popular treatment for people between 30 and 60 years, but there is no actual age limit as long as you’re over 21 years.

There are some medical conditions that can affect your eligibility to get the treatment. Besides checking the full list of contraindications, we always recommend booking a consultation with a professional to evaluate your skin concerns.

How to choose the best peel for your skin type

The first step is to know your skin type. Is your skin oily, sensitive, scarred, dry, blemished or a mix of one or more of these conditions? The aesthetician will assess your skin type and tone, understand expectations, existing contraindications, and choose the optimal peel for you.

There are different acids that can be used for chemical peel. For example, salicylic acid might be a good option for oily skins or to alleviate wrinkles, while retinoic acid could be used for sensitive skins or to promote collagen production, to mention a few. Talk to your aesthetician about the available options to make sure you pick the best one for you.

What you need to do before your chemical peel appointment

For the chemical peel, it’s crucial to protect your skin and avoid anything that might exfoliate or leave it sensitive.

Starting at one week before the peel, you must stop the use of any topic prescriptions, acids or exfoliating products on the areas to be treated (face, neck, décolleté, hands), including benzoyl peroxide. Cosmetic injectables and treatments on the areas should be postponed as recommended by the aesthetician. A special note for men: do not shave on the day of the peel!

Enjoy the best of the “Peel Season” with exclusive Maryam Collahi Medspa Chemical Peel packages and book a free consultation with our aesthetician to get started!