What is scalp micropigmentation?
Scalp micropigmentation is a non-surgical procedure that utilizes micro-fine needles to deposit or ‘tattoo’ pigments into the scalp. This cosmetic pigmentation technique, also known as the ‘hair tattoo’, uses highly advanced techniques and tattoo equipment to inject pigments into your scalp in a stippling pattern so as to create the illusion of tiny hair follicles on your scalp.
The procedure
Scalp micropigmentation is usually carried out in 3 separate sessions. During the treatment, micro-fine needles inject a layer of pigment dots on the scalp and in your skin’s dermal layer. Each time a pigment dot is applied, a tiny wound is created in your skin. The wound is healed by a scab which eventually falls away but not without taking away some of the pigments along with it. This gradual fading of pigments necessitates multiple sessions so that the requisite shade is achieved. Lighter pigments are applied in the initial session while darker shades are usually reserved for the final session.
The most obvious application of scalp micropigmentation is for baldness and hairline recession because the close-knit collection of pigment dots on a completely or partially bald scalp creates the optical illusion of a head full of shaved hair. However, this treatment has a host of other applications beyond that.
Scalp micropigmentation is very effective at hiding scars and burn marks. Also, this treatment could help rectify the deformities arising from a hair transplant gone wrong. Besides, this treatment makes your hair look fuller and adds density to your hair which makes it perfect for people dealing with hair thinning.
• Scalp micropigmentation is the best alternative for people who cannot have a hair transplant or do not wish to have one.
• It is equally beneficial for people of all hair and skin types.
• Unlike most hair treatments, scalp micropigmentation requires no maintenance and has no major side effects.
• The recovery time for this procedure is negligible; you can return to work the very next day.
• It is a multipurpose hair treatment which treats some of the most common hair problems that you may face.
The success of this treatment depends upon 2 major factors – the usage of up-to-date equipment, and the skill and experience of the practitioner. Make sure you verify both these factors before you book an appointment!
Rosie Beckett
My favorite part of this article is when you said that scalp pigmentation will have no major side effects because this gives me peace of mind that my husband will not have any issues if he decides to have the procedure done. My husband has lost a lot of his hair and it makes him very self-conscious, so I think that this procedure could help him to regain a lot of his confidence. Also, the fact that the recovery time is very short means that my husband will not have to take time off of work at all!