With the Soprano ICE Platnium’s advanced technology, patients no longer have to fear a painful experience. The Soprano ICE Platinum Laser offers pain-free lasering for a comfortable appointment.


How does this laser work?

Before, a laser would be used in laser hair removal that was good at one aspect but compromised in other areas. An example of this is that one laser might be faster than others but it wasn’t effective for darker skin tones. 


The Soprano ICE Platinum laser combines three laser wavelengths into a single innovative handpiece so that it can be effective in all areas. It simultaneously targets different tissue depths and anatomical structures within the hair follicle. By combining the absorption and penetration levels of three different wavelengths, the Soprano ICE Platinum achieves the safest and most comprehensible hair removal treatment available today. 


What can I expect from my treatment and how can I prepare?

Laser hair removal treatment is a straightforward process. There is very little needed in terms of prep. You will just need to avoid waxing as you will need the root of your hair to be present during treatment. Waxing, tweezing or anything else that removes the hair should be avoided. 


Be sure your skin is clean before the treatment. A shower or bath before the appointment will help the laser process run smoothly. On the day of your appointment, be sure to avoid using fragrances or oils as well. 


Try to avoid using products that increase photosensitivity such as: Benzoyl peroxide, Retinols, Salicylic Acid. Try to not use these products for only a couple of days before you show up. 


During the Treatment

The time the treatment takes really is dependent on the body part. If you’re getting your face lasered then you may be done in minutes, but for legs on the other hand, it may take longer. 


After the Treatment

For about over a week, the hair over the treated skin will fall out. Avoid excessive heat for about 24 hours after your treatment. And apply sun protection when you head outside. 

How Often Do I Need To Get Treatment Done?

Patchy hair growth is normal after the laser treatment as the laser will have missed some hair follicles. It is recommended that a total of around six treatments spaced four to six weeks apart is undergone. 



At Maryam Collahi Medpsa, we offer the only Soprano ICE Platinum in downtown Vancouver. 


Our specialist Parian is here to address all your laser needs and is more than happy to answer any more questions. Contact us today at (604) 338-9434 or visit our website for more information: https://www.maryamcollahi.com/laser-hair-removal/.