
Guess who’s not as happy as you when summer arrives? Your SKIN!We all have the desire fora glowing sun-tanned body, enjoying cocktails till the wee hours of dawn and taking dips in those refreshing pools, but that doesn’t justify neglecting your skincare routine in the summer.

Sunscreen is the first thing that comes to mind when you want to protect your skin from the suns wrath.But sun rays aren’t the only thing you should be worried about. Your skin absorbs air pollution, dust and even bacteria.

A simple skin routine helps you combat all of these environmental extremities damaging your skin and will also help curb excessive oil on your face.

New Facewash for a New Season

It is essential to understand that each season has a different impact on the skin and you shouldn’t use the same facewash for every season. Summer demands your facewash to cleanse your skin deeply, removing the excess oil and keeping it dry. If you are someone who has dry skin even in summer, try non-foam-based face cleaning solution that has moisturizing elements.There is no limit to how many times you can wash your face in the summer.

Bank on Your Antioxidants

Often we talk a lot about antioxidants but rarely make it a point to use it in our daily skin care routine. Antioxidants are like a natural shield for your skin, which protect it from toxins and chemicals of the environment. A serum with adequate antioxidant can be used to massage your skin and keep it well hydrated. Also internal antioxidants – the ones your diet offers, play a vital role in keeping your skin youthful.

Go Natural

Avoiding putting on makeup everyday will help skin during the summer months.Letting your skin breathe occasionally by rocking au-naturale is a good thing. You can still add glam-up with a little mascara and lip gloss!

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